Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I made it here last Monday, but I haven't been able to access the internet until now (we had to get student IDs to use the library). It feels good to actually be here, after months of saying "when I get to Tanzania", now I actually AM in Tanzania! It was an epic journey just to travel here.
The last night in Spain I got to watch a flamenco concert and dance in a garden beside the palace. How cool is that! But Africa awaits . . .
A word about Doha: it is the most humid place I have been in my life. I expected that the desert would be hot, but dry, but when I stepped off the plane in Qatar it was like walking into a sauna. All my plans to explore were shot when I discovered that my luggage had been sent on to Dar es Salaam, so I only had with me what I was wearing! It was just so hot there. And a bit chaotic. The taxi driver actually got lost trying to find the hotel. It was neat to see a new place, but I was very glad the next morning when we met up with the four other ACM students on my flight in the airport.
More about the first few days in Tanzania later, I have an orientation class now. After that we are free for the day. Lots of time to go exploring!

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